Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lucy is born!

Just wanted to sneak away from the hospital to post this update (and eat lunch free of charge, put away laundry and let the dog out). Lucy Amelia Faber is here!

She weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, was 19.75 inches long, has all of her openings, and is extremely healthy. What happened was that Allicia's water broke at 4 a.m. Tuesday, and we went to the hospital shortly before 7 a.m. In my brain, I was thinking that the labor would only last a few hours. However, it kept going on. And on. And on some more!

Finally, I thought we were going to get a breakthrough. Early in the evening, Allicia was dialated at 7 centimeters. Great! I did want a Feb. 29 baby, but more than anything, I wanted my wife to no longer be in pain. I'd never seen her go through something as painful as what she went through on Tuesday, and it was nearly heartbreaking to me.

But then she got stuck on 7 centimeters. Around 10:30 the doctor came in and said that she would go through a C-section delivery instead, because the baby's heart rate jumped a little, and stalling at 7 cm was not a good thing.

Waiting for the C-Section to start, I prayed. Said a decade of the rosary. I knew that things would turn out well, but I was still scared. Surgery is never 100 percent, and I wanted my little girl to be ok.

Thing is, when the C-section started, I didn't have enough time to think of bad things: The C-Section was quick! Extremely quick, maybe 10 minutes to get the baby out.

"Stand up and look over the curtain, and get your camera ready," the doctor said.

I was completly unprepared for what I'd see. A head. A baby. Our baby. Bloodier than Ric Flair and CM Punk, but still absolutely beautiful. I don't think I'll ever live to experience a moment as wonderful as that moment in the OR. Maybe I didn't cry, but holding that baby, I was a giddy, giddy mess.

I'll have more to say on the subject when time permits, but I just wanted to post an update for everyone. Thank you so much for the prayers.

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