Monday, January 16, 2012

Saying goodbye to

Over the last few months, I made a hard decision to end the blog.

There were a lot of reasons, none involving any personal disdain for Lino Rulli. I just felt like it was time to try new things. With a baby on the way, my free time isn't what it used to be when I started the blog in May 2008.

I told Lino in an email that I want to start my own Catholic media ventures, and the first step to that is keeping this blog maintaned much more than I have. Now that I only have one blog to design and two blogs to write for, instead of three.

I've also started volunteering at a local radio station. I'm really excited about learning how radio works, even though it's a tiny AM station: the basics of radio are the same no matter where you are, so I think this ought to be a great place to learn the little things, like operating a board or trimming an interview.

With a happy marriage, little Lucy on the way, and a newfound sense of freedom, I feel like the future is bright. That said, I'm REALLY going to miss being the Lino Rulli expert.


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