Disclaimer:I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review, all opinions are my own.
Up next in the review series is a super cute little game that is good on the go! We tried out Stratos Spheres recently and I can really see some great uses for this product! Here's the official link: Stratos Spheres by ThinkFun (I do not use affiliate links and will not receive any bonus for you clicking the links on our page)
On first look, this game reminded me of those chemical strands that you can build. Which (Nerd Alert) look like so much fun. So, I was already excited to try this game. Since Lucy is only 4 we didn't really use the rules as much as we explored with it. I want her to see learning all around us. So we played. We stacked as many as we could, we built them passing back and forth, we built it upside down. Then, she didn't want me to play with her anymore and took them to play by herself for about 20 minutes. Clearly, a hit!
Some likes/dislikes:
The spheres have two strong connectors, these wont break off, and they stay well connected. It was a little hard for Lucy to fully connect some of the pieces. I believe this is due to hand strength, which means the game actually works to strengthen that! Also, this durability means this game is ideal for the car. It can be easily passed back and forth even to a sibling in the third row.
I was happy to see that a drawstring bag was included. While adorably shaped, the box Stratos Spheres comes in is not too durable itself.. thus, happily, the drawstring bag. It's mesh on one side and the ThinkFun logo is on the other. Great to be able to see what is inside. All of the pieces fit in the bag.
Honestly, I enjoyed tinkering with this game and look forward to some 3D thinking and playing in our home.
Check out the cute little video about the game,
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