We gave up cable/satellite tv. I'm a little bummed, but it was necessary to allow me to stay home with Lucy.
Lucy has been rolling onto her back for a while. She rolled back onto her belly for Dustin the other day, but I still haven't seen it. Where does the time go?
TEETH!!!!! at 4 and a half months old Lucy's two bottom teeth have made their debut! It was a rough couple of days but we got through pretty well!
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I've been a bad blogger. It's been about 7 months since I feel I was very active. Originally my pregnancy knocked me on my butt. I was so tired! Then the baby came and was very demanding of my time. Now, I'm a bit lost, I feel a bit uninterested in things that normally make me happy, including blogging, and I'm working to get myself out of that post-partum slump.
I have gallstones... "several" according to the ultrasound I had last week. After talking to my family doctor, I'll be considering the surgery. I'm quite nervous about having such a serious surgery. I've only had a small surgery on my wrist (in which i only had a nerve block anesthesia in my arm) and my c-section (in which i had a spinal that wears of quickly and was awake the whole time) I am hesitant to go under fully.
Dustin has been podcasting and I'm very proud of him. He posts his content on our website every week so check back often for new podcasts. He has been able to get some really great guests.
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We are so happy for all that God has provided us with me being home, and ask all of you to continue praying it is part of His plan for our family.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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