Monday, November 15, 2010


 New York-New Jersey January 2010 - We met in person on this day. It was love at first sight... of course it helped that we had been getting to know each other for months before this!
 dustin let me go to Crate and Barrel on our first weekend together. He didn't mind so much since they had the heat on! It was SO COLD that weekend!
January 2010 just after visiting The Catholic Guy Show with Lino Rulli !
 This was taken just moments before dustin proposed. If you look closely you can see the ring box in his pocket. I had no idea what was coming next. P.S. the wine was delicious!
 Self-portraits aren't so easy to take! October 2010
 My sister took some photos for us. October 2010
 I love this guy!
 The Ring!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I just commented on this but I think I posted on the one below...just trying to figure this thing out still.!! HEHE! I love the new pics!


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