I'm just gonna glaze over the fact that we haven't posted in months. I'm the kind of friend who just picks up where we left off and keeps going...
so.... 2015 is nearly over and 2016 is knocking at the door. I'm horrible at resolutions. I prefer to evaluate and focus as I go along. *yes, that is code for SUPER LAZY*
I decided to make this post about the whole family. We all picked resolutions for each other. Some are in jest, some we'll carry with us all year.
I hope your 2015 will be looked back at fondly, and your 2016 will be full of blessings.
Allicia's resolutions:
Self: Say "Yes' more.
From Dustin: throw diapers away immediately, every time.
From Lucy: Teach Flynn things that he doesn't know how to do.
Dustin's resolutions:
Self: Read more fiction books.
From Alli: Put pants back on the baby after changing his diaper
From Lucy: Play a big monster game
Lucy's Resolutions:
Self: Do Bubbles
From Daddy: Listen the first time we tell you something
From Momma: Go to sleep with out chocolate milk
Flynn's resolutions:
Self: daaaadaaadada
From Lucy: Play baby things
From Daddy: Learn to walk
From Momma: Stand up all by yourself
Whole family resolutions: Fight fair, use kind words, listen better, enjoy time together without screens, be healthier, eat better, engage in more physical activity, and BLOG MORE!!
Thanks for dropping by. God willing, it will be sooner rather than later that we post again.
God Bless, and Happy New Year!
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