Friday, February 6, 2015

Captains Log: Solo Mission

Day 3: I managed to get myself and the children to church ON TIME! I also made dinner. 

Day 2: I woke up with a migraine and Lucy woke up with a tantrum... FANTASTIC. I was supposed to do a 5k as part of my New Year Challenge but with all the drama I couldn't pull it off. 

Day 1: 
Departure: we woke up early. Dustin did some last minute packing and was out the door while it was still dark. I am so proud of him for following his dreams. It's gonna be tough, but it's gonna be so much better in the end. 

Morning drop-off: This will be considered a success. While we hit a minor tantrum getting ready and another involving a blanket and a car seat, we managed to get to the sitter before she had to take the kids to school. I also managed to get to work by 8:30. The two things rarely happen in the same day. 


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