Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Quick Takes #8

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

--- 1 ---

I spent money this week.
For those following my "The Year of Living With What We Have" series this is clearly contradictory.
I tried to stick to things we needed instead of things I wanted, but ended up with a few of both.

--- 2 ---

Lucy had her 18month check up today.
She's doing fabulously.
We don't need to worry about her not talking with ANYONE else, as long as she is talking with us and is clearly understood.

--- 3 ---

We're going to start potty-training.
I was going to start today, but she is in a FOUL mood and I really wasn't feeling excited about the idea of dragging her to the bathroom!

--- 4 ---

I crafted this week. Made a pin board for hanging art to dry or to display.
It worked great for Lucy's fingerpaints (that I needed in #1 above since I didn't want to use food coloring like all the "homemade fingerpaints" on pinterest require.
I take issue with food coloring since it stains EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I use it.

--- 5 ---

Dustin has been working an overnight shift.
It's hard on both of us.
I would prefer to get to work a little earlier than I have been but with one car we don't have much choice.
It is hard to spend time together, but we were chosen to do a TV Talk Show about BONES so we'll have at least 90minuts to spend together every monday!
Ccheck out for more info and we'll probably have a full length blogpost about it soon.

--- 6 ---

Lucy has been trying to climb in and out of her dolly stroller this week.
It's adorable and nervewracking at the same time.
She can only fit one foot in the front of the stroller, I am terrified she will fall and break her ankle.
he is not concerned with this possible outcome.

--- 7 ---

Everyone should go listen to the new Jars of Clay album.
It is awesome.
It has some fresh sound and awesome lyrics.
If you've never listened to them, or didn't like them before I URGE you to check this album out.
My favorite lyric so far is "made you a ringtone with a voice that sounds like mine saying 'the boy of dreams is calling' when I'm calling" and "Don't know enough about love so we make it up"
$2 off coupon for In-stores or on-line:
You can preview it here. CLICK!


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